There are 3 different goals that are common when
people start to lift weights. The first of these
is to just maintain your muscle. The second is to
gain the most amount of visible muscle you can, and
the third is to be the absolute strongest you can be.
If your goal is to just maintain the amount of muscle
you already have you want to consentrate on the number
of repititions you do, not the amount of weight on the
bar or dumbbell. The more reps you do, the more conditioning
that gives to the muscle.
If your goal is to gain the most amount of visible muscle
you can possibly get, the workout for you is a pyramid
workout. In a pyramind workout, you do a high number of
reps with a low weight. For instance, my workout is a
pyramid workout and I curl 10 lbs. for 18 reps. Then
I move up to a higher weight of 20 lbs. and do 12 reps.
Then for my last set I do 6 reps of 30 lbs. The Second set
should be a larger weight but decrease the amount of reps.
And finally the last set should be a small amount of reps,
keep it below 8, with the highest amount of weight you can
lift safely. An example of people who do this type of workout
are WWF wrestlers and body builders. Body builders don't have
hardly any fat tissue, that's why they have so much visible
muscle. WWF wrestlers have fat tissue, but they are still
ripped. This workout can be used to get either one, but
alterations will need to be made in your diet to be a
body builder. Check with your doctor or personal trainer
for those alterations. I'm not a body builder, I lift to
look more athletic, much like WWF wrestlers.
And finally the 3rd goal is to be the absolute strongest
you can. I'm not a expert on this type since I'm not to
fond of this workout. I did this type of workout for a
long time and I didn't like it. For one reason it took
close to 3 hours to complete. I couldn't stand that.
The workout basically is a mix between both of the
above workouts. Except you do multiple sets for each
exercise, and you do multiple exercise's for each
muscle group. You can even do a super set which is
doing one exercise and as soon as your done you
switch to another exercise working the same muscle.
I have found that I like these because I can really
feel the burn in my muscles after I have done one.
I don't recommend these if you have just begun lifting
weights. An example of someone who does this type of
workout are the people who are in the World's Strongest
man competition. If you have never seen them they have
incredible amounts of muscle, but they aren't ripped.
They even can even be mistaken as overweight because
they often appear that way, until you see that they
do have muscle when they flex. These type of weight
lifters are known as Power Lifters.