Some important things to remember about weight lifting are
that once again (I can't stress this enough) check with your
doctor before beginning any program. If not at least someone
who has experience in weight lifting.
The amount of weight you lift doesn't mean squat if you have
the wrong form. I know this from experience. I was lifting
weights for over 4 months and I wasn't getting any stronger.
It turned out I had the completely wrong form and it wasn't
helping me anyway. Now 2 years later I move up in weight about
every month so I know that I have the correct form.
If you have never lifted weights before (and your doctor said
you are physically able to) start out slow and don't try to
lift a lot at the beginning. Use the first few weeks or a month
even to get the form down correctly. You might know what form to
have but when it comes to getting your body to use that form, you
may need some practice.
At first you will get sore a lot, that is not bad. Actually
it tells you that your working a muscle you haven't worked
much. Eventually the soreness will go away and it won't effect
you. I have found that shoveling snow is a lot easier also.
I don't get sore from it anymore. This is becuase I continually
work that muscle every other day. Instead of only 3 times a year.
Also at first you might not see results right away. Actually
you probably won't. This is because everytime you work a muscle
the top layer of that muscle tears. Then it forms a new layer
on top. This is how they grow, the only thing is that those
layers are extremely thin, and it takes a long time to grow
in measurable amounts. You may not notice anything for a month
or two, maybe even longer.
If at anytime you feel any pain besides the normal feeling
of the muscle burn (that is good, it means your working out
the muscle) quit doing that exercise. Don't let your pride
make you keep going it could be dangerous. Just stop doing
that exercise. I had a dislocated elbow which often stopped
me from doing workouts altogether. I had to get an elbow brace
to continue to lift weights, and even then my 3 month absense
from weight lifting had seriously dimished my ability. I went
from benching 150 to down around 90, and that was even painful.
From that point on I took it slow to the point now, I don't need
the brace and I can go back to my full program.
Always warm up before you start to lift weights, it wards of
a majority of the threat of being injured.
This is Important. DONT USE STERIODS!!!!
And last but not least, only work out every other day. By working
out every day you are not giving your muscles a chance to rebuild
that top layer and it only breaks them down farther. Which could
tear the entire muscle which you don't want. If you wish you can
lift weights everyday but do different muscle groups on each day.
Once again, this is for your doctor, trainer, or whoever has the
skills necessary to teach you how to lift weights to figure out.